![micha cárdenas and Abraham Avnisan, Sin Sol (No Sun), Walk [detail], 2018. Augmented game reality installation with sound. Courtesy of the artists. Installed in Refiguring the Future , Hunter College Art Galleries, 2019. Photo by Stan Narten.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57ab6f341b631bb0ce76339e/1550686973221-VRHY8O0ODWBWI07O9BOH/_SP_6221-web.jpg)

Refiguring the Future
February 9—March 31, 2019
205 Hudson Gallery, Hunter College Art Galleries
New York, NY 10013
Opening Reception: February 8th, 6-8pm
During the opening reception, artists Bararak adé Soleil and Lauren McCarthy will be activating their work. American Sign Language interpretation will be provided at the opening.
Conference: February 9-10, 2019
February 9th, 2018
10am – 6pm
Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College
695 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065
February 10th, 2018
12pm – 6pm
Knockdown Center
52-19 Flushing Ave, Maspeth, NY 11378
Refiguring the Future is organized by Eyebeam and REFRESH in collaboration with the Hunter College Art Galleries.
Curated by REFRESH collective members Heather Dewey-Hagborg and Dorothy R. Santos, the exhibition title is inspired by artist Morehshin Allahyari’s work defining a concept of “refiguring” as a feminist, de-colonial, and activist practice. Informed by the punk ethos of do-it-yourself (DIY), the 18 artists featured in Refiguring the Future deeply mine the historical and cultural roots of our time, pull apart the artifice of contemporary technology, and sift through the pieces to forge new visions of what could become.
The exhibition will present 11 new works alongside re-presented immersive works by feminist, queer, decolonial, anti-racist, and anti-ableist artists concerned with our technological and political moment including: Barak adé Soleil, Morehshin Allahyari, Lee Blalock, Zach Blas*, micha cárdenas* and Abraham Avnisan, In Her Interior (Virginia Barratt and Francesca da Rimini)*, Mary Maggic, Lauren McCarthy, shawné michaelain holloway*, Claire and Martha Pentecost, Sonya Rapoport, Sputniko! and Tomomi Nishizawa, Stephanie Syjuco, and Pinar Yoldas*.
*Denotes participation in conference.
Refiguring the Future is supported by grants from the Open Society Foundations and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation as part of NetGain. This partnership is a philanthropic collaboration seeking to advance the public interest in the digital age.
Additional support for the presentation of Refiguring the Future at the Hunter College Art Galleries is made possible by the David Bershad Family Foundation, the Susan V. Bershad Charitable Fund, Inc., Carol and Arthur Goldberg, Agnes Gund, Joan Lazarus, and the Hunter College Foundation.
205 Hudson is an accessible space. The entrance and lobby is on the ground floor at 205 Hudson at Watts St. The mezzanine level is accessible via a wheelchair lift. Restrooms are located on the ground floor and are wheelchair accessible.
Kaye Playhouse is an accessible venue. The conference entrance and lobby are located at 68th Street, between Park and Lexington, on the north side of the street, through the courtyard. Accessible entrance is available by ramp on the left side of the courtyard. Restrooms are located on the ground floor and are wheelchair accessible.
The Knockdown Center is an accessible venue. The conference entrance is located on 52-19 Flushing Ave at 54th St through a parking lot. The accessible entrance is available by ramp in front of the building. Restrooms are located on the ground floor lobby area and are wheelchair accessible.